Monday, October 7, 2013

Fun cards with Inky Antics and Waffle paper

Today I have some fun pop-out cards to show you using 
Inky Antics stamps and Waffle Paper. 

The first two cards use Cupcake Birdy HoneyPOP Clear set.

I made a birthday card with a cupcake pop-out in the center.

Here's another one using the same stamps and a Bazzill matchbook card. 

This card uses Turtle HoneyPOP Clear set.

The inside

This last card uses the Caterpillar HoneyPOP Clear set .

What fun cards that pop out when you open them.  They are fun to make and a joy to send.

Cupcake Birdy HoneyPOP Clear Set by Inky Antics
Turtle HoneyPOP Clear Set by Inky Antics
Caterpillar HoneyPOP Clear Set by Inky Antics
Memento Tuxedo Black Ink Pad
Copic Markers
Eat Cake 4.5x6.5 Paper Pack by the Paper Studio
Waffle papers - red, green, pink, white
White cardstock
Solid color Bazzil cardstocks 

613 Avenue Create - Anything Goes
Challenges 4 Everybody - Anything Goes
KennyK's Krafty Krew - Anything Goes
Penny Black and More Challenge - Anything Goes
Stamping Sensations - All Creatures Great and Small


  1. Such creative cards! Loving the sweet images! Many thanks for playing along at penny black and more!

  2. Such a fun collection of cards and so perfect for our theme this month.

    Many thanks for joining in at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  3. They are all fabulous, thanks for sharing with us at 613 Avenue Create this week.

  4. Cuteness all the way! Love them all :) Thanks so much for sharing with us at Kenny K’s Krafty Krews *Anything Goes* challenge ! Unfortunately not eligible for the prizes as you did not use a KennyK image but enjoyed visiting you blog today :) Good luck with the other challenges xx

    Tammy, KennyK Designer & Facebook Admin from Créations LaDiva :) xx

  5. Clever cards, my fav is the one with the cherry.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Penny Black & More this month.
    Lynn x

  6. Just wanted to be sure you saw your beautiful horse card was picked as part of the Top Three at Send a Smile 4 Kids- check it out here:

    Let me know if you would like to a guest dt member in the future.

    You may or may not remember me, but I remember you from our days as Angels with The Angel Company:)

    Karen Hasheck
